Metal Face aka Playing With Dolls

Today I decided to seek out some new flicks on the ROKU, wondering around on Amazon Prime I noticed a pretty rad cover for a movie called Metal Face.
Now anyone who knows me, know I'm a sucker for masked slasher movies, so of course this is right up my alley!

This movie has me on both sides of the fence. I loved the killer so much! The dude is everything I want in a slasher, brutal, has stealth, wears a rad mask. The story though, it could have been so much more. 
It goes like this, we follow a lady who is down on her luck, pretty much given a opportunity to start again at a dream job. Theo only thing is she is being set up by a wealthy man who loves to watch women get mutilated by the crazy Metal Face.

I dig it, and I want to love it. I just wish it showed more! I want more of Metal Face! I want to know the basic questions, who is he, why is he like this? I need another movie!! 

I hope there will be another chapter to this movie. We all have favorite movies that need a part two like Behind The Mask, The Rise of Leslie Vernon, or The Hills Run Red, or whatever movie you love that didn't get 7 or 8 sequels. 
anyway, enough of my rant, go and check it out, it is definitely worth a watch.
It's streaming on Amazon Prime
Check out the trailer-

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